CIT Program
For those campers who are 15 or 16 years old and entering 10th grade:
Being in high school doesn’t mean that your days of being a camper are over! You have a choice of continuing to be a camper which allows you further develop your art abilities and work on a portfolio or joining our Counselor-in Training Program.

Our Counselor in Training (or CIT) Program is the final year before becoming a staff member. The CIT program at Ravens Run helps teenagers adjust and strike the proper balance between responsibility and recreation. The spirit, tradition, friendships and teamwork that are part of our leadership development program help teens gain the confidence to become participants in camp life, not just spectators.
Students who are currently 15 or 16 years old and/or entering 10th grade are eligible to apply. The CITs spend 2-3 periods per day working with either a specific camp group or specialty area. The rest of the time, CITs participate in regular art classes and lunch with their peers. Each week the CITs do teambuilding and problem-solving activities to build their leadership skills. CITs will also have the opportunity to plan & implement a camp-wide special event.
Tuition for the CIT program is $900 for either Session 1 or 2 and $1700 for both sessions. Upon successful completion of the program, CITs will be eligible for a $100 stipend.
We’re excited you’re thinking of Ravens Run Arts Camp. Ravens Run is both serious art and serious fun!