What’s the difference between Try-it Week and Sessions 1 or 2?
Try-it week is a one week “mini-camp”. Campers will sample all of the arts during this introductory experience.
Session 1 & Session 2 are full, camp experiences. Campers will be immersed in the visual & performing arts for three-weeks. In addition to being exposed to all of the arts, campers (7 & older) will choose an elective to pursue. (During electives, the youngest campers stay with their group for an art activity.) Each session features different projects, so that campers can attend both sessions, if desired. Both Sessions 1 & 2 culminate with a spectacular art show & performance, as well as a carnival & magic show.
Do you offer transportation?
Parents drop and pick up campers. We will be glad to help facilitate carpooling by matching up campers who live near each other.
Does my child have to be talented?
All skill levels are welcome at Ravens Run. No prior experience is necessary. We try to expose children to a wide variety of arts in a fun way. Our goal is to get kids to explore the arts and think creatively.
Can my child be in the same group as his friend?
Children are grouped by age. On the registration form, you may request that a friend be placed in the same group as your child. We will try to accommodate all requests. On the other hand, many children come to Ravens Run without knowing anyone else at camp. But that doesn’t last long. By the end of the first day they will know everyone in their group and many other kids, too! Because of our small size and caring environment, we make a huge effort to integrate everyone into the group. All children leave Ravens Run with new friends!
What’s a typical day like?
The camp day is from 9 AM- 3 PM. Each day is slightly different. There are six periods, including a 45 minute lunch. Campers travel with their counselor and group to each activity. Three times a week there is an elective period that is with a mixed-age group (for campers over 7 years old.) We try to mix up the activities so that more active activities are spread out throughout the day. There are also special activities and events that occur during the summer. Weekly schedules can be downloaded, so your camper knows what to expect.
What are electives?
Electives are interest groups. Campers pre-select an elective that interests them and attend it several times a week with other like-minded campers from different groups. Electives include: Ginormous Painting, Comic Book Boot Camp, Runway Rebels, Mosaic Magic, Wickedly Talented, Cyber Realms & Amazing Movies. Electives are an opportunity to delve deeper into one area. Campers in Group 1 (our youngest campers) have regular camp activities instead of electives.
How much physical activity is there at camp?
Children get workouts during dance and yoga. Theatre is also very active, as campers use their bodies in various theatre games. After lunch there is free play time on our back lawn. We often play circle games, gaga (Israeli dodgeball) and have relay races.
Does my child have to do all of the activities?
Our goal is to expose children to new things! Many times campers have had a limited exposure to an activity, and at Ravens Run they find that it’s something that they actually enjoy doing. Our teachers are experts at making each class educational and fun.
What about lunch?
Campers bring their own lunches, snacks and drinks. Weather permitting; we eat outdoors on picnic tables. Lunch is a relaxed time for kids to socialize with other age groups, counselors and siblings. We give out ice pops each day and have cold water to refill water bottles. After eating, children have time to make lanyards, play on the back lawn, run around and play informal games with their counselors.
I work, is there an extended day available?
Yes, the staff is at camp from 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. There is an additional fee for the extended day. Children can come every day or on an as-needed basis. You can always call us during the day if something comes up, and you need to have your child stay for after-care. The extended day is a well supervised, relaxed time for quiet games, playground, movies and art activities.
You’re located in a synagogue, is this a religious program?
No. Ravens Run is not affiliated with any religion. We only use the synagogue’s facilities. Ravens Run is a secular art program, open to all children, regardless of race or religion.
Is day camp tuition deductible on my taxes?
Many families deduct the cost of camp as a child care/dependent care cost. Check with your accountant. Ravens Run tax ID is #45-1555803. Also many employers offer a reimbursement for child care on their flexible spending account.
We’re excited you’re thinking of Ravens Run Arts Camp. Ravens Run is both serious art and serious fun!